Friday, December 26, 2008

Back in the USA

It's been months since I have posted on here! The last few months have been a time of soul-searching and decision making for us. We have had to make life changing decisions, some good and some heart wrenching. So, I just haven't been in the blogging mood. Here's an update of what's going on in our lives.

When we first came to Spain in January of 2007, we had raised all of our support for the year in cash. We did not rely on any monthly support. Which made it much easier to know how long our stay would be. The US dollar did weaken that year and we had to cut our stay short by 1 month, but all in all things went as planned. We returned to the states at the end of 2007 to raise our budget for the next year. But, because of bad economic times and other issues, it was more difficult to raise the amount we needed this time. So, when we returned to Spain we had part of our budget in cash and part in monthly commitments. As the months went by, due to bad economic times in the US, our monthly support shrank by over $700 per month. And with the weakened state of the US dollar the exchange rate was even worse than the year before. So, we were forced to make the decision to return to the States. We could have returned and traveled again to raise more money but, to be honest, that's just too difficult on the church in Vigo and on our 14 year old daughter. So, we found a good man to come and take over the church and came back to the States.

vigo church 2

Bro. Luis was born in Ecuador and immigrated to Spain 9 years ago. He has started 2 churches in Spain and is thrilled to relocate to Vigo. The church in Vigo is now running about 42 people. They are happy to have Bro. Luis as their pastor but hated to see us go. Leaving was gut-wrenching! It was very difficult for all of us and for the church. But we know that they need a pastor that can stay and not have to leave for months at a time.

We arrived back in the States 1 month ago and are now living in Oregon. When we were traveling last year we fell in love with Oregon and made the decision that when we returned to the States we would move here. We are attending church in Oregon City and praying for God to give us direction. There are alot of Hispanics here but not many Spanish speaking, Apostolic churches. So, we are praying about starting a home missions work.

In the meantime we are trying to put our lives back together! We sold everything before going to Spain so when we got here all we had were our suitcases, some dishes and 3 air mattresses! We had a little money in savings and have since purchased a couch, 2 chairs, a dinette set and beds. Mostly used. But, we know that God will help us and little by little we will have what we need. Meghan is thrilled to be in a good youth group! Things like that are so important to a teenager! She is attending the Christian school at the church and is loving every minute. Seeing her huge smile every day when I pick her up after school and listening to her chatter happily about what happened that day makes me realize that we made the right choice.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers that God would give us direction and open doors. Tim and I are both seeking employment and desperately need God's hand on us! Tim is looking to sell insurance again so that if we do start a home missions work he will have a flexible schedule. I have applied at a few banks and have an interview in 2 weeks.

We have started on a new chapter in our lives and are very excited for the future!


Tracie Smith said...

Wow! I will be praying for you. God will certainly give you clear direction. His ways are perfect. There is a great need for Spanish speaking churches. We have a daughter work in Spanish. It is growing very rapidly.

I am thankful your daughter is happy. That will certainly relieve much stress from you and your husband.

Happy New Year!

scott phillips said...

Just came on your blog. I will be praying for you and your family. The Lord has a way of working things out and providing in special ways.

Juli Kimbley said...

Just happened upon your blog. Your family has been in our prayers through the years and will continue to be as you adjust to life back in the states. Oregon is such a beautiful place and a lot cooler in the summer than here in Fresno. Much love to you all.

Kari Morgan said...

Hi Sis. Wiggins! I am so glad you guys are back in the USA. We are truly blessed to be here in Chowchilla.
Oregon is absolutely a gorgeous place to be and I know that in time you will feel normal again. I am happy for Meghan...she is such a doll and growing up to be such a beautiful young lady. These experiences will add to the richness of her future no doubt. We love you guys and thank God every day for the work you established for the furthering of the Kingdom. We'd love to see you!!!