Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Urgent Prayer Needed for Timo Simoneaux, MK to Africa

Timothy (Timo) Simoneaux, a missionary kid from Africa, has bacterial meningitis. He is being medivaced to Johannesburg. Here is an excerpt from his aunt's blog:

I've just hung up with Vicki again they are still @ the hospital. The Doctor was concerned that there was not a CT Scan of Timo's brain. Of course that technology is not available at the hospital he is at in Malawi. The cranial pressure is increasing which has caused some of the delays this morning. Vicki said to ask each of you to pray the following specifically: "No air bubbles on the brain, if so in flight the pressure elvates and the bubbles will get big and his condition will deteriorate rapidly." The Joburg team feels Timothy's condition is critical and feel like it is worse than they were expecting. Vicki and Tremayne feel very confident with thm. ALL tests will be repeated or etc upon arrival to the Garden City Hospital in Joburg.Tremanye will arrive in Joburg @ 3 pm. Carol Simoneaux, Tremayne's Mom, will arrive in Joburg from Botswanna @ 5 pm. Missionary David Flowers will transport each of them to the hospital.The flight should be a 1 hr 40 minute flight from Malawi to Joburg. Vicki is going to text me upon landing in Joburg.

You can find more updates at:

Upon reading this please stop and say a prayer for Timo and his family and continue to pray throughout the day.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Things have been really busy the last few weeks! So here's an update.

We were finally able to buy a car this month. A huge thank you to Bro. James Carney, pastor of Woodlawn Church in Columbia, MS and Bro. Herrington in Louisiana for donating the money for a car! It makes all the difference in the world! This will also enable us to go to A Coruna where there is a family that has been baptized in Jesus Name but has no church.

We have been having Monday night services in the apartment of a couple from Peru. Last Monday night we had 18 people.
Monday Night ServiceMonday Night Service 2

We have a Wednesday night service in the home of a Romanian family. They have several friends that come to be in the service. We had 28 there last Wednesday night.
Wednesday Night ServiceWednesday Night service 2

So we are having services on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday with a different group each service. We have a few that go to all of the services. When added together we are working with over 45 people! We really need to find a place to rent that we can call our church! That way we can all meet together and have freedom to worship and pray. We are praying that God opens the door for us to be able to find a place and to provide the finances. I really believe that if we had a church where we could all meet together and be able to have worship, prayer, music and preaching, we would have huge growth! Please help us pray.