Saturday, June 28, 2008

26th Wedding Anniversary

Thursday, July 3rd, will be mine and Tim's 26th wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe that we've been married that long....but, on the other hand, It seems like we've been together forever.


Tim was my very first boyfriend. We started dating when I was 15 years old and have been together ever since. When we married I had just turned 17 and he was 6 weeks away from his 19th birthday. We had to have my mother's permission to marry and even then we had to appear before a judge to be granted permission. The judge told us that he was going to give us permission but that he wanted us to know that 97% of teenage marriages fail. It was pretty tough going too, at first, because we were sinners. My father had been killed 2 months before our wedding and I was devastated. I spent the first year of our marriage in deep turmoil and depression.

After we had been married a little over a year, we decided that we needed God in our lives and that we needed to be baptized in Jesus Name in order to make our marriage work. So we started searching for a church that taught what we were looking for and found the church in Madera, pastored by Clifford Clark. Our first service was the week before the church was starting a revival with evangelist Larry Booker. We attended the revival, got baptized in the wonderful name of Jesus, received the gift of the Holy Ghost and have never looked back.

God has been so good to us and kept His hand on our lives and I am so thankful to Him! I love him with all my heart and pray that he never gives up on me.

Tim has been the best husband and father that I have ever known. I am privileged to be his wife and our children are blessed to have him as their father! I have never known a man so dedicated to having a christian spirit and trying to do the will of God. He has wisdom beyond his years and I trust him completely. My prayer is that the next 26 years are as blessed as the first 26 years!
Tim and I

Friday, June 20, 2008

Back in Spain

Well, sister Lori Domingues has inspired me to try blogging. She sent me a link to her's and I was so impressed that I thought that I'd like to give it a try. I would like to keep this updated with info about what we are doing in Spain this year. Anyway, that's the plan! So, here goes!

We left California on May 20th and landed in Madrid, Spain on May 21st. Leaving my boys was difficult, but not as hard as last year. Don't get me wrong, it wrenched my stomach the night that we said goodbye. But, seeing that they are happy and settled in a great church made it much easier this time. It was easier for Meghan too. Last year she cried, literally, the whole flight to Europe! Tears just ran down her cheeks the whole time. But this time she was actually looking forward to seeing her friends and getting back to Vigo. I guess that knowing where we going to live and what we were going to be doing this time made a huge difference.

We landed in Madrid at 8:00am but couldn't leave for Vigo until 2:30pm because we had brought our dog, Sasha, with us. It's MUCH easier for a person to come to Spain than it is for a dog, for some reason! We just walked through customs, handed them our passports and after they stamped them, walked on through the doors. Bienvenidos a Espana!!!! But for Sasha it took HOURS!!!! I won't bore you with the details. When we finally drove off for Vigo, which was a 6 hour drive away, we were exhausted! We stopped 3 times to rest and finally made into the city at 9:30pm. We got hamburgers at McDonald's, checked into the hotel and finally slept!

It took 3 weeks to find an apartment. Things are so much more expensive this year and with the exchange rate it's even worse. Then, once we got moved in, the owner came to us and told us that the building that we are living in has a "no pets" rule! He doesn't mind us having a dog but the lady under us was throwing a fit. So, now we have to send Sasha back to the states to live with the boys. Meghan is crushed and I must admit that I am also heartbroken. I know, she's just a dog! But for some reason we are very attached to her! She's so human-like. She flies back to the states next Tuesday.
Sasha in a boxSasha

Our church is doing good. We started the church in June of 2007. Then we had to leave in November to go back to the states to raise our funding, which took 6 months this time! But, everybody is thrilled that we are back and services are going well. We had our first baptism last Sunday in the ocean. It was great! We went to the beach after our Sunday service and it was a warm day so there were alot of people there! Needless to say, we attracted alot of attention! I have posted a few pictures on my page if anyone's interested.

Well, that's all for now. I will try to keep this updated. Thanks for checking things out!!!!